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How do I take exams?

2615 views   |   Last updated on Jun 18, 2018    student exams


Many courses that use eLearning will have quizzes or exams at some point during the term. Some classes have more exams and quizzes than other classes.

A number of classes that are entirely online (classes that never meet in person) will have at least one proctored exam per term. The proctored exam will be on the eLearning website (a few exams can be paper-based as an exception, please check with your instructor).

The proctor may be on the GGU San Francisco campus, a Consortium of College Testing Centers exam site, or with ProctorU (an online proctoring service). Individual instructors may have their own specific requirements for proctored examinations. 

If you are required to take a proctored exam you will be notified by email when exam is ready so you can schedule the day, time and proctor-type.

If you don't have a proctored exam you may still have UNproctored tests, and even pop quizzes, in your class so pay attention to your syllabus and ask your instructor if you need any clarification.