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How do I interact with my students in a completely online class?

724 views   |   Last updated on Apr 16, 2021    faculty forums instructional designers


A good deal of the interaction in the class occurs in the discussion forums. eLearning encourages robust interaction in the discussion area to discuss course concepts and engage your students. Student satisfaction in the course measurably increases when there is rich discussion about current content with their instructor and peers in the class. Make sure to communicate clearly and frequently - Ask questions, reply to student posts, post audio and video of yourself at select points. Keep your conversation with your students part of the class record by keeping it in the eLearning class itself. In addition, rich feedback to exams and assignments are another way to add interaction to a completely online class - consider using video as one way in which you provide feedback. For class announcements (for example, letting students know a date has changed, or the syllabus was revised, or to remind them of an upcoming assignment) the best tool is the "Announcements" item at the top of your eLearning course page. "Announcements" are a type of one-way communication, so don't ask your students questions in the "Announcements" area. Please ask your Instructional Designer if you would like some specific tips or advice.